An Interdisciplinary Bibliometric Review of the Symbiotic Relationship between Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence
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This research conducts an interdisciplinary bibliometric review to explore the symbiotic relationship between Business Intelligence (BI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Utilizing advanced bibliometric tools, we analyze a comprehensive dataset extracted from reputable databases, encompassing articles that meet predefined inclusion criteria. The study reveals thematic clusters, influential documents, and core keywords shaping the discourse within the BI-AI landscape. Thematic clusters highlight the multidisciplinary nature of research, ranging from the impact of AI on finance to business model innovation and sustainability. The top-ten cited documents provide a snapshot of seminal works guiding academic and practical understanding, while keyword analysis illuminates the central themes and areas of emphasis. The cross-analysis of these elements offers a nuanced view of the evolving landscape of BI-AI integration. The findings not only contribute to academic scholarship but also provide practical insights for organizations navigating the dynamic intersection of BI and AI.
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