Adaptation and Innovation Strategies in Facing Business Challenges: A Case Study in the Digital Industry

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Hendri Khuan
Yogi Sugiarto Maulana
Anna Triwijayati
Hana Rengganawati
Zainal Arifin


The digital industry has witnessed rapid growth, powered by innovative start-ups that drive change and transformation. In the bustling digital landscape of Bandung City, these start-ups face a multitude of challenges ranging from market uncertainties to resource limitations. This qualitative study explores how digital start-ups in Bandung City navigate these challenges through adaptation and innovation strategies. Through in-depth interviews and thematic analysis, this research sheds light on the dynamic strategies that enable these start-ups to thrive and remain competitive in the ever-evolving digital ecosystem. The findings offer practical insights for founders and decision-makers while enriching the theoretical understanding of adaptation and innovation within a localized context.

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How to Cite
Khuan, H., Yogi Sugiarto Maulana, Triwijayati, A., Hana Rengganawati, & Zainal Arifin. (2023). Adaptation and Innovation Strategies in Facing Business Challenges: A Case Study in the Digital Industry. The Es Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2(01), 36–42.


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