MBKM Program: Young Culinary Entrepreneur (TKP) Know Spicy Krispy

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Bintang Pramudita
Cristiyanto Wisnu Prabowo
Hadian Pramudita


Fast food is very popular and has become a trend for Indonesian people. Tofu is an energy source that is rich in carbohydrates. The tendency to consume modern food has become a trend for Indonesian people. Tofu is a type of food source of protein made from soybeans which is very popular and popular with Indonesian people. Tofu is also a processed soybean product which has a fairly wide market segment. This is proven by the existence of various types of tofu that are sold on the market, namely: sumedang tofu, filled tofu, and meatball tofu. Tofu is a healthy food that contains lots of nutrients, from protein to fiber. This food is useful for maintaining heart health, and optimizing brain function.

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How to Cite
Pramudita, B., Prabowo, C. W., & Pramudita, H. (2023). MBKM Program: Young Culinary Entrepreneur (TKP) Know Spicy Krispy. The Es Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2(02), 94–98. https://doi.org/10.58812/esee.v2i02.177


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