The Decline of the Function of Pancasila as the Moral of the Nation and the Basis of the State

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Sauda Kamiliya
Shinta Selvianika


Applying Pancasila in life is essential as Pancasila is the foundation of the state and nation's morals. Pancasila values that are used will help to be responsible, so there is no need to blame others. Pancasila as Pancasila morality is an ideology for the Indonesian state. So Pancasila is the source of law and order and the spirit of all state and community life activities. Along with the development of the times, some Indonesian people have begun to forget the role of Pancasila as the moral of the Indonesian nation and state. Along with the development of the times, Indonesian society has begun to forget the role of Pancasila as the moral of the Indonesian nation and state. The first precept contains a moral value that everyone must acknowledge and glorify God Almighty. The second precept has a moral value that everyone must recognize and treat everyone the same. The third precept contains a moral value everyone must uphold in the motherland. The fourth precept is that everyone is obliged to participate in the political life and government of the country. And the last precept, namely the fifth precept, contains a moral message that everyone is obliged to be fair.

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How to Cite
Kamiliya, S., & Selvianika, S. (2023). The Decline of the Function of Pancasila as the Moral of the Nation and the Basis of the State. The Easta Journal Law and Human Rights, 1(02), 72–77.


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