ESLHR - The Easta Journal Law and Human Rights

ISSN International Centre | ISSN: 2963-0193 (online) | ISSN: 2985-7112 (Print)

ESLHR - The Easta Journal Law and Human Rights is a peer-reviewed journal and open access three times a year (February, Juny, and October) published by Eastasouth Institute. ESLHR aims to publish articles in the field of Constitutional law, Criminal law, Civil law, State administrative law, Environmental law, International law, Business law Human rights, Protection of human rights, Social justice, Legal theory and philosophy, Legal research methodology. ESLHR accepts manuscripts of both quantitative and qualitative research. ESLHR publishes papers: 1) review papers, 2) basic research papers, and 3) case study papers.

ESLHR has been indexed in, Crossref, and others indexing.

All submissions should be formatted in accordance with ESLHR template and through Open Journal System (OJS) only.

Vol. 3 No. 02 (2025): The Easta Journal Law and Human Rights (ESLHR)

Published: 2025-02-28

Post-Truth Law Analysis of the Protection of Privacy Rights in Cases of Digital Defamation Dissemination in Indonesia

Loso Judijanto, Ahmad Ahmad, Djuhrijjani Djuhrijjani, Wahyul Furqon, Nizla Rohaya

81 - 88

Civil Remedies for Environmental Damage: Exploring the Effectiveness of Carbon Trading as a Tool for Restoration in Indonesia

Diah Ayu Rahmawati, Haryono Haryono, Budi Endarto, Joice Soraya, Siti Munawaroh

93 - 100

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