The Influence of Accessibility and Responsivity of Officers on Community Satisfaction

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Ely Ibrahim
Darman Darman
Dwi Oktia Sari
Lukman Setiawan


This research explains the influence of officer accessibility and re-sponsiveness on community satisfaction, by observing 50 communi-ty samples. Data were analysed using PLS-SEM techniques via SMARTPLS version 3 software. Samples were selected and collected through purposive sampling and distributed via online question-naire via Google form. The results show that Accessibility has an insignificant effect, with a TStatistic value of 0.037 and P Values of 0.970, while Officer Responsiveness has a significant effect, with a TStatistics value of 4.953 and P Values of 0.000 on Community Satis-faction.

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How to Cite
Ibrahim, E., Darman, D., Sari, D. O., & Setiawan, L. (2024). The Influence of Accessibility and Responsivity of Officers on Community Satisfaction. The Eastasouth Management and Business, 2(02), 126–134.


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