ESMB - The Eastasouth Management and Business

ISSN International Centre | ISSN: 2963-3591 (online) | ISSN: 2985-7120 (Print)

ESMB - The Eastasouth Management and Business is a peer-reviewed journal and open access three times a year (January, May and September) published by Eastasouth Institute. ESMB aims to publish articles in the field of Strategic management, Operations management, Marketing and Sales, Supply chain and logistics, Human resource management, Leadership, and organization management, International business, Sustainable business, Information technology management, Risk and security management, Business ethics and corporate social responsibility. ESMB accepts manuscripts of both quantitative and qualitative research. ESMB publishes papers: 1) review papers, 2) basic research papers, and 3) case study papers.

ESMB has been indexed in, Crossref, and others indexing.

All submissions should be formatted in accordance with ESMB template and through Open Journal System (OJS) only.

Vol. 3 No. 02 (2025): The Eastasouth Management and Business (ESMB)

Published: 2025-01-31

Mapping Research Trends on Open Innovation Strategies in Multinational Collaboration

Loso Judijanto, Nofirman Nofirman, Syamsulbahri Syamsulbahri, Rusdianto Rusdianto, Jayadi Jayadi

230 - 241

Branding Luwu Coffee as a Signature Souvenir from Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi

Pathmi Noerhatini, Nia Kurniasih, Prima Roza, Ridwan Fauzi

242 - 254

Adaptation of Agile Project Management to Small Scale Projects in the Indonesian MSME Sector

Loso Judijanto, Dwi Kartika Prananingrum, Arief Yanto Rukmana, Mei Rani Amalia, Siera Syailendra

300 - 305

Mapping Green Financial Management Research Trends with a Global Bibliometric Study

Loso Judijanto, Nanang Qosim, Erfendi Regar, Hasmia Melati Arifin, Muhammad Faisal

338 - 349

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